Friday 4 May 2007

The Rules

The competition is to grown the “biggest” sunflower. “Biggest” will be determined by measuring in centimetres:

1. the height of the plant from the stem base to the base of the flower head
2. the diameter of the flower head excluding petals
3. adding the two results together

The “winning” plant will be checked and if it agrees with its owners submission the trophy will be awarded to that person for one year.

For your information all plants were started from Russian Giant seeds on 6th April 2007 in 3in pots using J. Arthur Bowes Peat-Free Multi-Purpose Compost.

There will be a charge of £1.00 per plant which will be donated to the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation (Registered Charity No 1046854) in memory of all lung cancer sufferers.

Please let me know how many plants you would like as soon as possible.

There will be an additional booby prize for the ugliest sunflower submitted (twisted, crooked etc!).

There will be no arguments – the judge’s decision will be final!

The prize giving venue will be decided on location of the winners
Diary of events - 2007

Collect plants from Jane any time from Sunday 6th May onwards. Please phone before you call in case we are out.

Take plants home – there are no rules – you can talk to them, feed them Guinness, fertilise or just hope for the best, but beware of slugs, pigeons and ants!

Latest measuring day is Monday 27th August (August Bank holiday weekend)

Send your measurements to as soon as possible. Also send a photo of your specimen for the archives and potential entry to the “ugliest” competition.

Good luck


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