Wednesday 1 August 2007

Change of last measuring day

Hi everyone

First of all our judge John the Measurer will measure the contenders next Sunday 19th August. If you think you might be the winner let me know so John can call you and arrange to visit and measure your specimen.

We'll present the winner with their prize at the Rose and Crown pub in Bocking on Bank Holiday Monday (27th Aug) around lunchtime so hope you can make it.

The latest progress on the 15 or so surviving sunflowers is as follows, see picture gallery at the bottom for proof !

Andy Duzniak - A monster!!
Keith & Margaret, Rose & Crown - 105 inches at the last measure (a couple of weeks ago) but peaked a bit early - its got the droop! - see picture as proof!
Alison Bacon - not very good - better luck next time Mrs Bacon - possible contender for the booby prize!
Cathy Simonds - not as big as Cathy and she's only 5' 1" !
Saville Family - one surviving out of three but very spindly - slug sabotage again! - about one leaf remaining! - possible contender for the booby prize!
Nathan & Jo - was doing well on the last report. Need an update
Gill Kelly - about 7 foot - flowered already - about 7 foot - see picture gallery
Siobhan Pierce - apparently one survived the slugs after all and is "enormous"! - waiting for a measurement and picture on this one (it's in Siobhan's front garden so you could take a peak when passing by Safeway)
Miller Family at Maldon - it was actually "Chris" that survived the storm. "Rosie" was the biggest until then but she got blown over :-( Not a contender.
Clare Avery- another monster and only just coming into flower. Clare's been doing more than talking to it I think! - see picture gallery.
Jane Kelly - several alive but no contenders
Amy c/o Cathy Simonds - need an update on this one
Jackie and Nick Payne - not a bad effort, has flowered and peaked already though. Not a contender this year
Harry Adams - donated to Brian Bell who has a sunnier garden
Brian Bell - doing very well - a possible contender - see picture
Hanson family - one tiddler and the rest sabotaged by slugs

Well thats the news so far - hope to see you at the Rose and Crown, Bank Holiday Monday (28th August) for the presentation. (Please don't laugh when you see me and my injuries!)

Love Jane

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