Monday 2 July 2007

Sunflower progress

Hi everyone

I hope your sunflowers are growing nicely :-) Don't forget the latest measuring day is Monday 27th August (August Bank holiday weekend)
I've been checking up on progress and it seems a few of you were sabotaged by slugs! Never mind - better luck next year

However there are a few six footish monsters being reported. Probably jousting for first place are Keith and Margaret at the Rose and Crown pub, Andy (green fingers) Duzniak or Clare Avery who says her specimen "Is now taller than me in my wellies – which makes it at least 5’ 12” but is much slimmer and greener! "

I also hear some of you have named your plants and talk regularly to them!!

Anyhow post your own comments and pictures here so we all can see progress

Bye for now


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