Sunday 15 July 2007

Update on progress

Hi everyone

Firstly we have an official judge. John the Gardener aka John Le Measurer will check the winning submissions and it goes without saying that "the judges decision will be final" and he cannot be bribed!

Progress reported so far for this years competitors is as follows:

Andy Duzniak - out of three one is reported by his wife Carrie to be a good bit taller than her, else not much news from Greenfingers Duzniak.
Keith & Margaret, Rose & Crown - growing very well in a pot and a likely contender, well over 7 foot
Alison Bacon - not as big as Keith and Margarets!
Cathy Simonds- not as big as Cathy and she's only 5' 1" !
Saville Family - one surviving out of three but very spindley - slug sabotage again! - possible contender for the booby prize!
Nathan & Jo - 3 alive - largest approx 5 feet
Gill Kelly - coming into flower and about 7 foot
Helena Kelly - sabotaged by slugs! we did warn you!
Siobhan Pierce - two attempts sabotaged by slugs!
Miller Family at Maldon - out of six , all named, one survivor "Rosie" doing quite well, the rest lost in a storm
Rose Austin - just a stick remaining!
Clare Avery- another contender, this one is much taller than Clare who is a very tall girl herself. Clare has been talking to it though!
Jane Kelly - several alive but no contenders
Anita Hanson - shrivelled in the pots!
Amy c/o Cathy Simonds - need an update on this one
Michael Doyle - sabotaged by slugs
Jackie and Nick Payne - last report was one is bigger than Jackie
Harry Adams - need an update on this one
Brian Bell - need an update on this one
Sid - sabotaged by slugs - Sid reported it was half eaten by a slug which he gently put the fence but another came up from behind and finished it off!
Sue - slug sabotage again!

Well thats the news so far. I'll keep you posted of progress.



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