Sunday 21 September 2008

Prizewinners presentation

Hi everyone ,

We held the presentation for the winners at the Rose and Crown on 21st September. Thanks to everyone who joined in, I hope you enjoyed the fun and will take part again next year.

Thanks most of all to John who did a great job again measuring the contenders which isn't an easy task.

Commiserations to the failures slaughtered I understand either by slugs or snails, squirrels or slobs!

The 2008 winners were as follows

Tallest sunflower
1st - Keith and Margaret Stevens - 3.34m or 10ft 11 1/2in
2nd- John and Gill Kelly - 3.22 1/2 m or 10ft 7in
3rd - Nick and Jackie Payne - 3.19m or 10ft 5 1/2in
4th - Roger and Cynthia Powell - 3.15m or 10ft 4in
5th - Jim and Lorraine Carroll - 2.82m or 9ft 3in

Andy hands over trophy to Keith and Margaret

Widest flowerhead
Keith and Margaret Stevens - 37 1/2cm or 14 3/4in (so they were double prize winners!)

Best childrens sunflower
Ruby and Harvey Spinks who grew a nine foot specimen (2.74 1/2m)

Ruby and Harvey with proud Dad and Jane

Record holders

Tallest sunflower - Andy Duizniak (2007) - 3.74m (12ft 3 1/4in).

Widest head - Keith and Margaret (2008) beating their own record by a whopping 8 1/2 cm with this years entry of 37 1/2cm (14 3/4in). Wonder what it is that Keith is feeding his specimens?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It's a long way off I know but we will be selling plants again next year outside the Rose and Crown on May Day which is May 4th. We will have plenty of other bedding, vegetable and herb plants, as well as perennials for sale so don't forget to come and get your supplies and help our charities.

Please can you save all you spare flower pots and trays for us too.

Picture gallery below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Winners are announced

Widest head again!

Roundup of prizewinners

Prizewinners parade!

Sunday 10 August 2008

Demise of Siobhan's sunflower

News from Siobhan, Rayne Road re her sunflower which was a contender . . . . .

"Have had a disaster this year. Some horrible thug dug mine up out of the front garden and nicked it... just when it was coming along nicely!"

Any nore updates?


Saturday 9 August 2008

Looking for contenders . . . . .

Hi everyone,

The news on the grapevine is we have a few sunflowers between 6 and 8 feet and alas, some casulties. Apparently the slimy slugs won the battle in some of your gardens again this year - you were warned! - and squirrels have been blamed for the demise of a plant that was destined to be a possible winner.

If your sunflower has survived and you think it could be a contender please get in touch and John will be round with his measuring stick. Please let me have any pictures too.

Please note the presentation to the winners will now take place on September 21st at the Rose and Crown (3:00 pm ish) but you can have your specimens measured any time from now. John will know if it's fully grown and a potential prize winner.

Bye for now


Donation certificates

Wednesday 28 May 2008

John's growing tips

Sunflower growing tips

Sunflowers grow well in most soil types except heavy clay. They prefer a sheltered sunny site. Your sunflower is “hardened off” and is ready for planting. Adding well rotted manure or spent compost and a handful of general fertiliser to the planting site will be beneficial.

Make a planting hole twice the size of the pot. Gently tap the plant out of the pot retaining the compost around the roots. Plant sunflower 1” deeper than in pot. Backfill and gently firm in. After planting water in well and stake firmly.

Once the sunflower is growing regular watering and liquid feeding will also be beneficial. Remember to keep the sunflower firmly staked as it grows and release ties if they become tight.

Pest and diseases

Sunflowers are generally disease free but they frequently suffer from slug damage. It is very important to protect them from slugs. A few slug pellets placed under a tile or similar at the base of the plant should be sufficient. Once the plant is established and growing well slugs should not present a problem.

If you sunflower has exceeded 9FT (2.7 m) by early August and you wish to enter it in the “Tallest Sunflower Competition” please contact Jane by phone (07748 996886) or by email ( and arrangements will be made to measure it.

There is also a competition for the Widest Sunflower Head. This would be measured at the same time.

Presentation of prizes will take place at 3:00 pm on Sunday September 21st at the Rose & Crown public house in Bocking.

All proceeds will be divided equally between the Roy Castle Lung Cancer (Charity No. 1046854) and the British Heart Foundation (Charity No. 225971) Charities.


Wednesday 7 May 2008

May Day report & picture gallery

Hi everyone,
The weather was kind to us this year and for a change we didn't need brollies!

John had been working very hard and produced a mountain of assorted plants which sold much quicker than hot cakes!

Many thanks Vicki, Helena and Gill for helping John and I on the day. Their assistance was much appreciated and needed, we were busy all day long selling our wares (although I still have over 300 hardback books to shift if anyone has any ideas!)

I am pleased to say we raised £685 on the day and there is still some more to come in from people yet to collect their starter plants so we should easily exceed £700. Not bad eh?

Look out for a mention in the Braintree and Witham Times.

Please see picture gallery below of our colourful stall along with our raffle winner Hannah from photographer Vicki (that's why she's missing from the mugshots although it might be something to do with the attractive T shirts!)

Bye for now and good luck with your sunflowers.


Monday 21 April 2008

Sunflower Competition 2008

Hi everyone,

The 2008 competition is about to begin!

You can buy your plants (£1.00 each) at the May Fayre, Monday May 5th outside the Rose & Crown Pub, Bocking or contact Jane.

Also for sale will be lots of other vegetable, herb and bedding plants and delicious home-made cakes – so come and see us if you can. . . . . .

Prizes for the tallest plants and the widest flowerhead will be presented at the Rose & Crown, 3:00 pm, Sun, Sept 7th.

John (le Measurer) is judge once again and his word is final!

In recognition of Keith's recent heart problems and other friends who have been ill, all proceeds this year will be divided between the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Charity (No. 1046854) and the British Heart Foundation Charity (No. 225971) - so let's make it a successful competition and make loads of money for these worthy charities.

Bye for now and good luck to everyone
