Wednesday 7 May 2008

May Day report & picture gallery

Hi everyone,
The weather was kind to us this year and for a change we didn't need brollies!

John had been working very hard and produced a mountain of assorted plants which sold much quicker than hot cakes!

Many thanks Vicki, Helena and Gill for helping John and I on the day. Their assistance was much appreciated and needed, we were busy all day long selling our wares (although I still have over 300 hardback books to shift if anyone has any ideas!)

I am pleased to say we raised £685 on the day and there is still some more to come in from people yet to collect their starter plants so we should easily exceed £700. Not bad eh?

Look out for a mention in the Braintree and Witham Times.

Please see picture gallery below of our colourful stall along with our raffle winner Hannah from photographer Vicki (that's why she's missing from the mugshots although it might be something to do with the attractive T shirts!)

Bye for now and good luck with your sunflowers.


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