Monday 21 April 2008

Sunflower Competition 2008

Hi everyone,

The 2008 competition is about to begin!

You can buy your plants (£1.00 each) at the May Fayre, Monday May 5th outside the Rose & Crown Pub, Bocking or contact Jane.

Also for sale will be lots of other vegetable, herb and bedding plants and delicious home-made cakes – so come and see us if you can. . . . . .

Prizes for the tallest plants and the widest flowerhead will be presented at the Rose & Crown, 3:00 pm, Sun, Sept 7th.

John (le Measurer) is judge once again and his word is final!

In recognition of Keith's recent heart problems and other friends who have been ill, all proceeds this year will be divided between the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Charity (No. 1046854) and the British Heart Foundation Charity (No. 225971) - so let's make it a successful competition and make loads of money for these worthy charities.

Bye for now and good luck to everyone


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